The Wish Refund Method
Please don't abuse this SE method or any SE method in general. This extends the lifetime of the method and many others abide by this unwritten rule to prevent methods from becoming saturated.
I had some questions for you:
I know this trick but I say that I did not receive my item and he refunds me immediately without checking.
The maximum I did was with $ 90 headphones. Do you think that if the amounts have higher raise a greater verification will be done? Do you also think that my way will work with items with fast delivery? And is it that with your method he sometimes ask the return?
Because I wan't to try it with airpods from the seller VIPOUTLET
And you can say in your post that with paypal the refund is immediatly
Edited by PhoenixReborn, 04 May 2019 - 05:22 PM.
KombetShqip, on 04 May 2019 - 3:56 PM, said:
The Wish Refund Method
Please don't abuse this SE method or any SE method in general. This extends the lifetime of the method and many others abide by this unwritten rule to prevent methods from becoming saturated.
seems nice I'm gonna try this
I never use hide tags
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