From HQ private DORKS to HQ private accounts - Part #1 - DORKS
- 1. You bought combos and they are sold to a lot of peoples too?!
- 2. You bought “fortnite” combos and you didn’t get anything decent?!
- 3. What is “fortnite combo”?! Combo which is got from “fortnite dorks”.
- 4. What is “fortnite dorks”?! explanation for that in text…
Timeline is DORKS --> URLs --> COMBOS --> ACCOUNTSIn this thread we will talk about DORKS
Create(write) your own dorks! How?! First try something basic to learn how it works.
Summary and introducing:
That is all what you need for the beginning to write your own dorks.
Let’s start with keywords
Remember, from the beginning FORTNITE, fornite .php?cid=? In that case that game (Fortnite) is your target.
What is target?
As final results you want to get Fortnite accounts. So, you need to find mail:pass for Fortnite, one more step backward. You need DB (lists with mail:pass), one more backwards. You need a site which has some errors. One more backward, you need a lot of urls. Final backward step is dorks. If you use FIFA 19 as your target, you will “force” google or any other search engine to give you back results related to your target, in this case FIFA 19, in first case FORTNITE.
Let’s do the same but forward:
exp: fortnite dorks -> urls related to fortnite for any cases -> urls with errors (vulnerable) related to fortnite -> mails:passwords from that urls -> big % of those mail:passes are good as Fortnite accountsHow to collect related keywords? You can use your brain and handwrite by yourself (exp: fifa 19, ea games, fifa game, fifa online, fifa seasons….). Or you can use any online keyword generator (for exp: ).
What it looks like:
Fortnite | | Fifa 19 | | Amazon |
Fortnite skins | | Fifa online | | Products |
Fortnite vbucks | | Fifa league | | Shopping |
Anyway, collecting keywords is individual stuff and there can be numerous ways how to use them, directly or indirectly. It changes everything, HQ dorks, private dorks or just normal usual dorks.
The Next stop is page type
Again, from the beginning, fortnite .php?cid=
There are many types and we will not spend lot words on it, because we can’t combine any of that.So this is a list of some:
Last but not the least think about keywords is page format
And again, from the beginning, fortnite .php?cid=
There can be “gaming page format” , “shopping page format” , “music page format” ….
For games exp: game= or gameID= or game_type= can be good for gaming dorks ( exp: fortnite .php?game= )
For shopping exp: article_id= or cartId= or Product_ID= can be good for shopping dorks ( exp: amazon .php?cartId= )
SpoilerNote: The more you combine, the more results you can get. But the most important is that you will get more HQ private dorks.
Now when you collect all what you need, combine them to get dorks.
You can use any dork creator or generator. For this thread we will use simply dork maker so you can understand how it works.
Used tool: TPS Dork generator
Few results:
Finally, we get dorks. Now you can practice and try and try try…. Combine keywords, combine page formats, combine page types.
In the next thread you will see what next you need to do with your dorks, how to continue your way to your combos.
This thread is inspired and approved by @DonXirus and his great tutorials. I can do this @DonXirus = dork master
Vouch to his Ebooks. From those ebooks you can learn a lot, but the most important is that you will learn how to think about dorks.
@DonXirus Ebook: https://www.nulled.t...eleased-by-don/
Follow my threads and thanks for support if you like this.
The Next thread about dorks is “How to use your HQ dorks to get vulnerable urls”
Until that… ENJOY @Zolja
thank u for helping out