User Alexej27 was kind a gave me a vouch copy. ( Sorry for the delay in writing my review).
Firsly i wanna say that is not some leeched method and combined with some words and make it "new".
I haven't seen this method leaked in other place yet.
Price is a little bit spicy, let's say at the beginning, but if you invest time you will get your money back (8.5 out of 10 for price).
The English used in the method is easily understandable, altho it has many steps and at the beginning you might lose into one of them ( 9.5 out of 10).
If you need help, they are always helping you with all the questions you have, so for that 10 out of 10. The support is really nice.
I haven't got any money yet, due to the fact that this is a longer method and you have to wait a X ammount of days till you get the money, i won't say how much, but you can see it in the method.
If you have a little bit of pacience you can easily get the money back and if you get someone who can do it for you, it will be way better.
The start can be a little harder, but after that you can easiliy make it automatically.
Good luck with your sales!