Posted 06 September 2019 - 12:01 PM
Bought this ebook in the most unexpected way. But won't go into details about it now.
Have bought many ebooks over time. Had this impact in my mind that every book sold in this section is always having some catch.
But this one is different. What I appreciate the most is the depth of details in the guide. Almost of each step there is a tutorial with video attached to it.
The Ebook has 25 pages. It could have been finished in 10 pages, but the author has given so much information for the ease of readers that I really doubt anyone would need any support. The discord group is not much active to be honest, probably because most of information is already pre given by the author. Investment is necessary, but one can make 10x the investment everytime.
If you have free time, then definitively go for this. Aanyone can do this and don't need any specialization. I can only give proof of payment in a month, because that's the nature of method. But it should work pretty smooth considering how we do it.
Good luck with the sales.
Posted 08 September 2019 - 09:30 PM
I bought this method (first method that I bought related to BTC)
Each part of this meth is explained in great detail and hardly anyone is able to understand. My recommendation is to read twice from A to Z. The process is not easy and there are many details and steps, but if you read everything carefully and follow each part, everything will be ok.
Almost every step is accompanied by a video explanation.
For the first time you will need a little more time, but after that everything goes faster.
Any recommendation for this method. The most you need to invest is time and the least money. And in the end it pays off many times over.
The method works and it can work as long as you want to work on it
Once again, a HUGE RECOMMENDATION for this method
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