Hello guys, I'm back with an addition to Nulled's Newcomers collection of guides!
gave me the idea from his Nulled FAQ.
This is a super-alpha version, but a start is what is needed.
To be honest, this is a few of the definitions that all new Nulled members should be comfortable with, in order to have a smooth experience with the site.
Knowing them will make your and everyone's life much easier and less irritating.
I plan to update this at least once a week for all of you guys to have a detailed cheat-sheet for nulled.
I hope you find this really useful! I wish you the best in your endeavours in nulled
Here's the link:
I suggest using your Find function to find what you're looking for.
Here is the text of the guide on the spoiler just to be sure.
MOTM: Member of the Month/Year: Every month, the Nulled community nominates various members for their contributions to the site and then votes on who was the past month's Member of the Month. That individual is voted through visible public voting and the winner receives a specialized award.
SB: Shoutbox: The chatroom found on Nulled's central page. Members can communicate there for various subjects and with tons of members. Read the Shoutbox rules before starting to chat away!
Releases: Software made by Nulled members and released on the site. Some of those releases also require AUTH.
Auth: Auth Access: Auth is a Nulled feature in the form of a member-specific code used to unlock various features and softwares created by Nulled. You can see if your Auth key is unlocked by going to Auth on the top bar of the site.
Lounge: The Lounge: An off-topic subforum where members can make general posts about matters whether in and outside of the forum.
Crypto: Cryptocurrencies: Currencies based on a cryptographic public ledger system (blockchain). Mainly used for anonymous purchase of products on Nulled.
Leaks: Programs, proxies, combos, accounts, DBs Source code, Exploits, Ebooks, etc. that have been retrieved through the process of cracking and SEing and then released to the site for people to use.
SEing: Social Engineering: the use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. In plain speak, the process of manipulating certain support infrastructures in place in order to gain a free product. Social Engineering Logitech for example is about grabbing Serial Numbers from a product and then pretending you own it and that it is broke. In return, if you succeed, Logitech will send you a new product of the same type.
SNs: Serial Number: A unique number assigned to the particular product you own. Your speakers have a unique Serial Number, for example.
Ebook: Documents that describe a certain method in order to gain profit. That could be a method to SE a product, to make multiple accounts on a site, to exploit a site. Ebooks can describe a public or a private method. Selling public method in nulled is not allowed.
Requests: Posts made by users in order to request a certain good. A laptop SEer could be requested, for example.
Cracking: The act of using a combolist and a checker in order to generate hits for a site; I would use a combolist and a checker in order to check Netflix accounts or Giftcards.
Combolist: a text file made up of lines containing usernames and passwords in "email:password" or "username:password" form. Used to run checkers made for specific sites.
Checker: A piece of software tailor-made for a specific site in order to check the account combinations listed in the combolist specified.
Configs: Configurations: Profiles of checkers tailor-made for a specific site. Configs can either need proxies or be proxyless. You take the configs, import them in to your software, press start and you are now cracking accounts!
Proxies: Needed for some sites in order to crack without getting IB-banned. Proxies are kind of like VPNs: You can use them in order to crack each account with a different IP address.
EWhoring: eWhoring is a type of Social Engineering (categorised in Hacking) and is the art of sexually manipulating men into giving you money in return for 'your' body.
Reverse Engineering: The act of decrypting a piece of (usually) software in order to gain access to its source code; Usually done to a company's software in order to exploit its vulnerabilities.