I was just received a vouch copy of the BlackHat Discord ToolBox. At first, I was questioned whether if the price was even reasonable with the features this toolbox provided. With the GUI, it did not seem too appealing as it seemed like a ordinary open-sourced GUI that you can easily find on the website for free. As the ignorant individual I became, I at first did not believe this program was going to be quite great. When I received the necessary information in order to get this program working, I was quite impressed with the committed they put towards protection. The .RAR file was protected by a password, there was a one time use activation code for each buyer, and a HWID white-list. I was completely unsure how things worked within this toolbox at first, though luckily there was a .PDF file attached within the .RAR. The .PDF file completely explained how to set up each feature, whether it was token stealing or spamming. The guide or tutorial was very easily to comprehend because of its simplicity and providing on the point context. There wasn't any unnecessary context within the .PDF, therefore you should be getting set up in a swiftly manner. I first tested out the message spammer, I'll tell you that I was hilarious seeing the reaction from the toxic content that I spammed within the public communities within Discord. Although none of the features within the ToolBox has any benefits other than the Token Stealer feature, it is a awesome... should I say, "toybox", to have if you feel like getting people mad. I've also tried the Everyone Bypasser, allow me to disclaim that this was simply an alternative of pinging everyone by pinging the first 1000+ members within the Discord. There is also a feature within this that you could decide whether if you would want to do ghost pinging or not. So in my case, I've decided to do ghost pinging. I went to a fairly huge community Discord and began my attack. Luckily, there wasn't any moderators or staffs overseeing the chats so I decided to take the opportunity to mess with the inferiors who had no power to reprimand me. Within five minutes of using the ghost pinging feature, people ended up pointing at each other of who's responsible for the ghost pinging. It was such a fun moment until a moderator finally got on to check the logs.
Anyways, you all may question whether is $30 for such a tool is worth it or not. I would personally say to give it a shot. After speaking to the developers of this program, they do intend to push more features within this toolbox making it more fun for all buyers to use. You may question, "Why don't you just download a toolbox from YouTube or the public?" Well, those public program tend to not be updated after release putting a higher chance of patch especially with the undetectable stub. Also, if you happen to be the first five buyers of this program, you will get a 66.6% off of this purchase. So I advise you take this opportunity before this discount disappears. The customer support was very professional and swift. Even when I had the dumbest question for them to answer, they still answered it in the most professional way which is something that not much customer support would do. Other customer support would be like, "Read the FAQ" or "What does your common sense think?". Nuh-uh for this customer support, they take their customers very seriously. This truly impressed me, I was speechless.
One thing I recommend the developers to consider is on redoing the GUI. Something more cleaner, smoother, and modern would be nice like the thread artwork. This does not have to be a mandatory thing since it will not affect the efficiency of this program but it would be something nice to see. Regardless, great work with the program and I am truly looking forward for the upcoming updates you guys release.
I've decided to take a video of the message spammer which I will be attaching below:
I couldn't think of a better song to put into this video. I'm not Russian..
RATING: 11/10
Broke my scale mainly because of their capabilities of professionalism and patience when dealing with inquiries.
I will be updating this and attaching more videos in the future.