Server: BR | EUNE | EUW | JP | KR | LAN | LAS | NA | OCE | PBE | RU | TR
Price each Account 0.50£
Minimum Order: 5£
(Also Accepting Credits on Nulled)
(Searching for a good Thread Designer PM)
Right now more than 1,2kk in Stock (on all Servers)
Discord: Ethanol#9818
Payment Methods: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash
Very awesome person, really High Quality accounts.
Lot of skins and high level, definitely gonna be used for smurf.
I definitely recommended to buy.
Got a lvl 100 account, fast and smooth transaction
The account -
Champs -
All in all, good accounts, cheap useful for smurfing or botting.
Edited by Ethanol, 12 January 2020 - 01:34 AM.