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Ultimate SQL Injection Tutorial
Posted 04 December 2017 - 12:57 AM
SQL Injection Ultimate Tutorial
Note: this tutorial is by Bako from
SQL Injection is one of the most common web application errors today. It is also one of the most deadliest because it allows remote users to access confidential information such as usernames and credit cards.
With databases being the central core of our economy and all of our nations wealth being held in servers that may be able to be compromised by witty hackers, SQL Injection is a problem that needs to be addresses not to let hackers exploit these errors for their own good, pleasure or challenge but rather to bring awareness to the fact that a simple error caused by a lazy or inexperienced programmer can cause consequences from a simple website deface to the leaking of millions of users financial information. To start this paper out, I provide you with an Outline for MySQL Injection attacks, which will also serve as a table of contents since each section will discuss a separate step in the exploitation process.
MySQL Injection Outline (table of contents):
In Part 1 (this part):
Section 1 - Intro to Basic Database Information
Section 2 - Steps to injections
1)Find out how to close the previous statement & find the right comment to use to end the injection
2)Check for magic quotes
3)Check to see if UNION works
4)Find the number of columns
5)Craft a union statement that doesnt cause an error and see which columns are outputted
6)Check the MySQL version to see if information_schema is present
7)Get the desired column and table names
8)Get your data
In Part 2: (not done yet)
Section 1 - Advanced injections
1)Check for load_file()
2)Check for into outfile
3)Ddos the MySQL server
4)login page injections
5)Possible failures - multi selects
6)Get past magic quotes - where, concat - no load_file
7)The no spaces bug
8)Getting past filters
9)Blind Injection
10)Advanced NOT IN
Posted 13 December 2017 - 12:38 PM
Posted 16 December 2017 - 06:20 PM
MySQL Injection Outline (table of contents):
In Part 1 (this part):
Section 1 - Intro to Basic Database Information
Section 2 - Steps to injections
1)Find out how to close the previous statement & find the right comment to use to end the injection
2)Check for magic quotes
3)Check to see if UNION works
4)Find the number of columns
5)Craft a union statement that doesnt cause an error and see which columns are outputted
6)Check the MySQL version to see if information_schema is present
7)Get the desired column and table names
8)Get your data
Posted 27 December 2017 - 03:34 AM
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